8.0 ARES/RACES Coordination and Tactical Frequency Plan

Blank data fields indicate the county information has not been submitted to the Section Emergency Coordinator. All County ARES Emergency Coordinators are encouraged to review and submit corrected information to the ARRL Section Emergency Coordinator, or the Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator as needed.


The following frequencies will be in use in emergency situations. Listed by county. Kershaw County will be listed first and in alphabetical order below.
County Simplex Coordinating Frequency (MHz) Tactical Frequency (MHz) Repeater Input Frequency (MHz) Repeater CTCSS Tone (Hz)
KERSHAW 147.430 146.775 146.175 156.7
[KCARC] 147.460 146.775 146.175 156.7
Abbeville 147.555
Aiken 147.555 145.350 144.750 156.7
Allendale 147.420
Anderson 147.510 146.970 146.370
Bamberg 147.525 145.330 144.730 156.7
Barnwell 147.585 147.030 147.630 156.7
Beaufort 146.535 145.130 144.530 88.5
[Hilton Head] 145.310 144.710
[Beaufort] 146.655 146.155
[Hilton Head] 147.240 147.840 100.0
Berkeley 147.585 146.610 146.010 123.0
Calhoun 147.420 146.670 146.070 156.7
Charleston 147.570 146.790 146.190 123.0
Cherokee 147.420
Chester 147.570 145.310 144.710 167.9
Chesterfield 147.420 444.375 449.375 91.5
Clarendon 147.510 145.230 144.630 123.0
Colleton 147.510 146.910 146.310 156.7
Darlington 147.585 146.850 146.250
Dillion 147.555 146.745 146.145 82.5
Dorchester 147.540 147.180 147.780 123.0
Edgefield 147.420 145.490 144.890 71.9
Fairfield 147.420 147.210 147.810 156.7
Florence 147.570 146.850 146.250 123.0
Georgetown 147.420 147.375 147.975 123.0
Greenville 147.485 145.470 91.5
Greenwood 147.570 147.165 147.765 107.2
Hampton 147.540
Horry 147.540 145.110 85.4
Jasper 147.570 146.910 146.310 156.7
Kershaw 147.430 146.775 146.715 156.7
Lancaster 147.525
Laurens 147.525
Lee 147.540
Lexington 147.525 147.000 147.600 123.0
Marion 147.510 147.000 146.400 91.5
Marlboro 147.525 443.000 448.000 123.0
McCormick 147.585
Newberry 147.555 147.210 147.810 156.7
Oconee 147.420 145.290 144.690 162.2
Orangeburg 147.570
Pickens 147.540 147.195 147.795 141.3
Richland 147.585 147.330 147.930 156.7
Saluda 147.510 146.910 146.310 123.0
Spartanburg 147.510 147.315 147.915 123.0
Sumter 147.555 145.430 145.830 156.7
Union 147.585 145.150 144.550
Williamsburg 147.525
York 147.540 147.030 146.430 88.5
Statewide 3.9900 LSB (80m HF)
Statewide 3.9935 LSB (80m HF)
Statewide 7.2320 LSB (40m HF)
** The statewide frequency of 146.595 MHz has an encode tone of 156.7 Hz. Normally, stations should use carrier squelch for receive by may turn on decode tone of 156.7 Hz to minimize local interference.
LSB -Lower Side Band  These HF frequencies can vary +/- and are selected based on best atmospheric propagation and band activity.