Amateur radio volunteers provide local, state, and world wide emergency communications.
Public Service organization KCARC maintains and operates its own Emergency Communications Center in Camden SC, to provide this service.

Kershaw County Amateur Radio Club Net
Monday nights at 8PM
Ft Jackson repeater @ 146.775 MHz (-)
PL tone: 156.7 Hz.
Simplex Frequency: 146.460 MHz
Alternate Repeater - 146.820 MHz
PL tone: 91.5 Hz
Regular meeting nights: 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 PM
Held at KCSD Maintainance Building across from Camden HS on York Street.

Allstar Node #47925 Lugoff, S.C.
446.075 PL Tone 156.7 FM Simplex
EchoLink Node: 158806 KE4TLC-L
Operated by club member KE4TLC

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service is a nation wide and local group of Amateur Radio operators which coordinate with local Civil Defense and Emergency management organizations to provide communications during emergency situations

The American Radio Relay League is the national organization representing the interests of Amateur Radio.

Amateur Radio Clubs provide communications for many outdoor community activities such as marathons and races. How can KCARC provide such communication support for your activity?

Monthly Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month at 1020 York Street across from Camden High School in Camden, South Carolina.
Use the links menu above to learn more.